Peter Rowe

Author, Artist, Illustrator, Presenter, Motivational Speaker

The Way Home


The Way Home reveals something of my inner world and is a metaphor for my personal journey from being out in the world and learning to deal with strangers and be safe.

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SKU: TWH-0001 Category:


“My children’s stories are one of the results of my ‘self-discovery’ journey”.

Indeed, The Way Home reveals something of my inner world and is a metaphor for my personal journey from being out in the world and learning to deal with strangers and be safe.

It is a simple but poignant tale of the unique relationship I shared with a special dog growing up on the farm in a world full of love but lacking the ability to communicate with those around me.

“No one could have guessed that behind the smiling face of the boy was a beautiful mind full of stories and ideas,” but “he learned to tell stories by talking to his brown dog about his thoughts and dreams.”

Together the boy and the dog venture into the city and discover “there were nasty people and nice people and sometimes he couldn’t tell the difference.”

This was one of the first stories I wrote, and came about during a session with my speech pathologist who was helping me deal with the aftermath of being abused in a care facility.

“If you want to go back to your family home you must never be afraid to do it. Your family is always there to help.”

Those who know my story will also know the full meaning behind these words.

Additional information

Weight0.065 kg
Dimensions15 × 21 × 0.3 cm


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